Tuesday 16 May 2017

Smoked Bacon & Spring Onion Cloud Eggs

Cloud eggs have recently egg-sploded all over the internet. I didn't initially think much of it. I though it was a bit gimmick-icky. I soon cracked though... Cloud eggs get their name, quite rightly, from their light and fluffy whites like clouds. However, after seeing a few posts they looked a little plain, why not add bacon? Bacon makes anything and everything better! Oh, I also added spring onion, but it's all about the bacon. Perfect for breakfast or as an addition to a great brunch.

If you think they're nothing special, you will be mistaken. I thought exactly the same, for me you can't beat poached eggs, they're perfect. I do now feel conflicted though. These are much more versatile. You can add your favourite flavours and get creative. They're good hand food too - seriously, no need for utensils to eat and just how photogenic they are for a simple egg.

Try this recipe on the weekend for an egg-cellent treat. They are wonderfully light with a beautifully runny yolk.


Ingredients:                                                                                                                              (Makes 4)

4 eggs
1 spring onion, finely chopped
1 rasher smoked streaky bacon

  • Chop the bacon into very fine lardons. Fry off in a pan on a medium heat. Once cooked drain on some paper towel. 
  • Separate the eggs, keeping the yolks in a small container unbroken.
  • In a separate mixing bowl whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt. Once there are stiff peaks fold the bacon lardons and the sliced spring onion through. Don't over mix or you'll remove all the air.
  • Spoon onto parchment paper on a baking tray making 4 portions. Ensure to shape a little dip in the centre for the yolk later on. 
  • Bake the egg whites in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 4-5 minutes. 
  • Remove from the oven and gently slide the egg yolk into the dip. Return to the oven for an additional 2-3 minutes. 
  • Once the yolks cooked to your liking, remove from the oven and serve.
  • I enjoy mine on toast with an extra rasher of bacon. Don't stop there, though, add your favourite flavours. From cheese to smoked salmon they are delicious.



  1. As a diehard fan of poached eggs on toast, it was your picture on the toast slice that called to me. Love the idea of the smoked salmon with it. Will give this a try. Have a good day and ready for more of your recipes.šŸ˜‰

    1. Thank you Kim! I have to agree with you, one of my ideal breakfasts too. Let me know what you think, they are a great rival for poached eggs being your favourite. You too and thank you!

  2. I always assumed, due to the photos, that cloud eggs were yolks cracked and baked on a fluff of mashed potatoes. I had no idea the fluff was actually egg whites until I saw your post! Thanks for enlightening me and the smoked salmon idea...yum.

    1. Your welcome, I hope you enjoy trying them.


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